After all that I have learned and still have alot to learn. I will make sure that there are several different things set up in the classroom for the kids to learn using their hands or by reading or just by doing something. I have learned that not all people learn in the same way […]

The Nellie, a cruising yawl, swung to her anchor without a flutter of the sails, and was at rest. The flood had made, the wind was nearly calm, and being bound down the river, the only thing for it was to come to and wait for the turn of the tide. The sea-reach of the […]

indicate how your proposed change should be brought about.

Topic:For Essay #2, choose a problem you see in society that needs a solution. This paper will be argumentative, and the argument should focus on possible solutions to the problem or issue. Clearly identify the problem, possible solutions, and who should be involved. Outline Template for Essay Two   Working thesis statement: Add here   […]

What is Mrs. Mallard ‘s social class? What clues lead you to this conclusion?

How is Mrs. Mallard ‘s character developed? Do you see examples of exposition, where the narrator simply tells us information about the protagonist? In addition, does Chopin portray particular emotional responses, thoughts, and actions to reveal Mrs. Mallard ‘s character? If so, how? How does she employ point of view in this story? 2. What […]