1. Papers should be at least three pages in length, 12 point, using a standard font like Times or Calibri or something similar. (In order to receive at least a grade of “D”, your paper must be three full pages. However, a poorly written three-page paper would still receive a failing grade. I would expect good papers to be over four pages) There is no maximum number of pages.


2. Papers should be double-spaced and written in Microsoft Word.


3. In making a point, when you gain information from the book put the page number in parentheses after the sentence. For example: (71). If you use outside book reviews you will need to footnote the source using Chicago Manual of Style (Turrabian Style). You will also have to include a Works Cited Page. If you only use the book as your source you do not need to either footnote or include a Works Cited Page.


4. I would much prefer that you only use the book. You really do not need any outside sources to make a good grade. I want your thoughts and ideas, not a professional reviewer’s. However, I do not subtract any points if you use outside sources – as long as they are properly cited with a works cited page.


5. Your Book Review should include a Title and each page numbered. Your name must be typed in the top right corner of the first page.


6. The introductory paragraph of the paper should be a brief summary of the book, including the author’s thesis (the main point(s) the author is arguing). See Question 1.


7. The middle paragraphs should answer questions 2 – 9 on the Book Review Questions. Do not number your answers. However, answer the questions in the order they appear on the handout. You should have a paragraph for each question.


8. The concluding paragraph should sum up the book. Here, include a few sentences about your overall perception of the book. Did you like the book? Why or why not? (This is also included in question 10.)


9. Papers should be written in your own words. Avoid quotations as much as possible. Plagiarism is unacceptable. (Plagiarism is the stealing and use of the ideas or writings of another as one’s own. “Another” includes books, articles, and other sources, including other individuals.)


10. Papers should be straightforward and direct in language. Do not use words unless you are sure of their meanings. Avoid slang, unnecessary words, contractions (don’t, can’t, won’t etc…), and run-on sentences. Watch capitalization. I will subtract points for all of the above.


11. Papers should be free of grammatical errors and misspelled words. Use SpellCheck!


12. Have a friend or relative proofread your work. I do! He/She will find mistakes that you overlook.


13. Probably the best way to prepare your Book Review is to download/print these instructions and the questions. As you read the book, write out the answers to the questions as you come across them. Then use the answers to construct your review. It will make your life a lot easier if you do it this way.


14. The Review is due as soon as you finish. The “due date” listed on Blackboard is the last possible time to upload your review. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO UPLOAD YOUR REVIEW.


15. I expect your best effort.