Governance, Ethics, and Sustainability

Property Millionaires is a company that offers ordinary people a range of real estate investment seminars and ongoing mentoring services. The philosophy at Property Millionaires is that anybody can become a property millionaire if they have the right mind set , education, and support. The company was established three years ago by successful real estate […]

How Risky is Your Company? HBR

Assessment Description . .. You are required to read the following journal article: 1.How Risky is Your Company? HBR. May-June 1999 Ensure you click on the ‘Read More’ link to view the Risk Exposure Calculator. You are also required to read a fictional case study based on the operations of a rapidly growing investments […]

Explain how Active Directory is a critical component for most organizations and why, because of this, the service needs to be highly available.

To provide high availability, Active Directory can be replicated and synchronized with other Domain Controllers. Explain the replication process for an Active Directory domain and create a list of troubleshooting steps that can be performed if replication does not occur as expected. Create a knowledge base article of 1 to 2 pages that another administrator could follow using […]

Human Factors and Productivity

(Week 1) Success Factors in the IT Organization (Week 2) People, Processes, and Technologies (Week 3) IT Project Stakeholders (Week 4) The final step in developing your strategy is to examine the various layers of the organization, and identify the issues and concerns that these layers have related to the IT organization and its projects. […]