This module is being delivered through the Manchester Blackboard virtual
learning environment.
All assessments must be submitted through Blackboard at:
If you have any technical difficulties using blackboard, please visit our
support pages at:
Submitting your Assignment
1. Assignments should be typed, 10 or 11 point font size (Times Roman or similar if
possible) double spaced with a 4 cm margin on the right side of the page with the
page size specified as UK A4. All pages must be numbered.
2. Assignments should be submitted in either Microsoft Office and/or PDF format (.doc,
.docx, .pdf etc.). File names should be kept simple and only contain alphanumeric
characters (a-z0-9), spaces and underscores (e.g. Valid_filename_1.doc). Files with
other characters such as apostrophes, brackets or commas may not be accessible by
3. Assignments may be uploaded only once; substitutions are not permitted and students
should therefore ensure that the version uploaded is their final submission.
4. Please ensure you include your student number….

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