The context should be an area (not only geographic but also service area) that you are genuinely interested in – in your case I understand that this would be all acute care hospitals in England? You could focus more the assignment if you wish, for example, by looking at a specific type of hospitals like NHS psychiatric hospitals or District General Hospitals, or University affiliated/Research intensive hospitals or keep it broad and inclusive for the whole of the country and any hospital type. This is up to you; but bear in mind that the more focused your study is the better you may manage to strike the right balance in covering breadth vs depth in your assignment.


You are also expected to provide a balanced argument and discussion of the two models of leadership and base this discussion on empirical published studies in healthcare or even from other similar sectors (e.g. education); in the latter case you will need to make sure that you critically reflect on what part of the evidence base can be transferred to the healthcare sector.


If you have chosen a very narrow focus as the context of your work and you cannot identify studies that specifically looked at exactly the same context when you argue for the appropriate leadership model, in that case you will need to apply critical judgment and convincingly argue what part of evidence from other contexts can be reasonably argued that can be transferred to the selected context of your case and also provide an explanation why this is the case.

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