CRH plc SWOT analysis
Strong Management Strong management can help CRH PLC reach its potential by utilizing strengths and eliminating weaknesses.
Economies of Scale Economies of scale is the cost advantages that CRH PLC obtains due to size. The greater the volume,…
Technology Superior technology allows CRH PLC to better meet the needs of their customers.
Customer Loyalty When given a choice, customers are loyal to CRH PLC.
Brand Name A strong brand name is a major strength of CRH PLC. .
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Online Market The online market offers CRH PLC the ability to greatly expand their business.
Innovation Greater innovation can help CRH PLC to produce unique products.
New Technology New technology helps CRH PLC to better meet their customer’s needs with new and improved products.
Emerging Markets Emerging markets are fast growing regions of the world that enable CRH PLC to quickly expand.
New Products New products can help CRH PLC to expand their business and diversity their customer base.
New Markets New markets allow CRH PLC to expand their business.
International Expansion International markets offer CRH PLC new opportunities to expand the business and increase sales…
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Volatile Currencies Volatile currencies make CRH PLC’s investments difficult, because costs and revenues change so…
Bad Economy A bad economy can hurt CRH PLC’s business by decreasing the number of potential customers.
Political Risk Politics can increase CRH PLC’s risk factors, because governments can quickly change business rules.
Volatile Costs Volatile costs mean CRH PLC has to plan for scenarios where costs skyrocket.
Substitute Products The availability of substitute products hurts CRH PLC’s ability to raise prices, because customers…
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