Claims: (Each Group picks three possible topics) Each student type a 1 page outline using the handout sample as guide.
1. Active euthanasia (physician assisted suicide) should be legal and available to those how choose to use it.
2. Genetically-modified foods are harmful to human health.
3. Obesity rates in the US have been exaggerated in recent years.
Each group must answer the below questions about your claim. Each individual in the group should be assigned 2-3 questions each that they are responsible for.
1. Briefly define the claim and its counter argument.
2. How plausible is the claim itself?
3. Does the claim conflict with your personal observations and background information?
4. Who are some of the people and sources making the claim?
5. What are the interested parties for this claim?
6. What types of information has been transmitted about this claim?
7. What rhetoric and fallacies are used with respect to this claim?
8. Is there scientific research on the claim?
9. Are there any scientific findings about this claim?
10. What are the best ways to assess the probabilities of this claim?
11. What are your conclusions about your claim?
This assignment requires a comprehensive application of the elements of critical reasoning that we are studying in this course. The main objective is for each student to follow the systematic critical reasoning process to thoroughly document all relevant information in analyzing and making an argument.
Each person in the group will be responsible for doing a critical analysis of one aspect of a topic chosen by your group.