This task requires you to develop an in-depth specialist knowledge of the theoretical and practical
components of skill development in ONE topic area covered in this subject.
Your report will consist of two main components:
PART A. A critical review of THREE recent and relevant research articles for your chosen skill
development area; and
PART B. An implementation and reflection of skill development in your chosen area
PART A. Article Review (20 marks)
You are required to find THREE recent and relevant articles from scholarly journals relating to your
specialisation topic. The articles should relate directly to your topic area and must be articles from peer reviewed, academic journals. Your articles should also be empirically based. This means that they should report the findings of field research e.g. surveys, interviews etc.
Your review should not merely summarise the key points of your articles. Rather, your review should
compare, contrast and critique the ideas and methodologies adopted in the various articles. For
example, discuss the methodologies and samples used in the studies, compare the strengths and weaknesses of each article’s approach, assess any biases or limitations of the studies. You will be provided with some materials on critical thinking in academic writing. Some examples of scholarly
journals to look for your articles include (but are not limited to):
Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Managerial
Psychology, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Communication, Journal of Applied
Psychology, Journal of Business and Psychology, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Journal of
Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Australian Journal of Communication, Journal of International Business etc.
Full text articles are available via the University library databases. When referencing articles from
journals, please make sure that you reference the original article and not the database URL where it
is located!
PART B. Implementation and Reflection (15 marks)
The practitioner allows himself to experience surprise, puzzlement, or confusion in a situation which he finds uncertain or unique. He reflects on the phenomenon before him, and on the prior understandings which have been implicit in his behaviour. He carries out an experiment which serves
to generate both a new understanding of the phenomenon and a change in the situation.(Schon, 1983)
This section of your project allows you to apply your new knowledge to improve your own personal
skills in this area. Using your knowledge gained from your literature review,
(i) Develop 3-4 SMART goals for skill development in your chosen area (see p475 of text)
(ii) Develop a timeline for implementing your skill development plan over a three week period
(iii) Implement your skill development plan, keeping a diary of your progress
(iv) Write a personal reflection on your skill development plan. Specifically, consider:
– Were you successful in achieving your goals? Why/Why not? Were they specific enough?
– What did you learn about yourself through this exercise? What would you have done differently?
– What factors within you personally made you more or less committed/motivated to change?