1)  Give at least two examples of how not following procedures could result in an aviation organization losing money, injuring or even taking the lives of people.
2) Identify an aviation career you would like to pursue. Describe some of the challenges to entering the career. Include any special qualifications/prerequisites, education, privileges, and limitations of certifications required for the career field; include how one should go about acquiring the certification. If no special certification is required for your chosen aviation career, identify and briefly describe an aviation career field that does require a special certification, and how one should go about acquiring the certification; include the privileges and any limitations of the certification.
3) Describe what a pilot may experience if he/she is landing on a runway aligned due south (magnetic direction), with a reported wind of 315° at 30 knots. How should the pilot compensate for this condition (discuss both aircraft heading relative to the runway, and aircraft speed during the final landing phase)? What should the pilot also consider with regard to runway length in these conditions, as well as crosswind limitations?
4) Identify each of the four left-turning tendencies of a single-engine, propeller driven aircraft. Select one of the left-turning tendencies and describe what is causing the aircraft to turn toward the left.
5) Describe the importance of weight and balance in an aircraft. What is required if the aircraft center of gravity (CG) is forward of normal; what may result if it is too far forward? What may cause a light general aviation (GA) aircraft CG to be too far aft, and what may happen to an aircraft on takeoff or climb out with a significantly aft loaded CG?
6) Identify the various airworthiness inspections required of an aircraft (include aircraft being used for hire or carrying passengers, and specific equipment checks required for instrument flight). Identify maximum inspection intervals for specific equipment checks (time permitted between inspections).
7) Provide at least two examples of aircraft hydraulically operated equipment. Briefly describe the general principles of aircraft hydraulic systems.
8) Describe how the Aviation 20 Layers of Security employed by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is capable of stopping a terrorist attack. Provide at least 4 examples of the 20 Layers of Security; include brief descriptions of how each of your 4 examples could prevent/stop a terrorist attack.