Briefly answer the following 5 questions

1. Do you consider gender and sexual identification a current vulnerability in our health care system?  Why or why not?

2. As a nurse you will be asked to care for individuals who encompass a wide range of lifestyles and sexual identities.  All of our patients deserve the best care we can provide and our deepest respect each and every time they interact with the health care centers tasked with serving them.  What did you learn in the readings/ viewings (be specific) that will positively impact or influence the way you approach a patient who may be LGBTQ?

3. Identify a specific reading or a video you viewed over the last few weeks related to Gender Vulnerability that was surprising to you or increased your awareness of a particular issue, provide a description of what was new learning for you.

4. Identify a specific reading or a video you viewed over the last few weeks related to Gender Vulnerability that identifies the current state of our nursing practice as it relates to gender equality.  What can we do as professional nurses to bridge this gap?

5. Identify a specific reading or a video you viewed over the last few weeks related to Gender Vulnerability that inspired you as a soon to be practicing nurse.   Why was this particular article/ video inspiring to you?  What are you going to do differently moving forward?