Q1 A. Outline the historical perspective of Medical Terminology (20marks)
B. State how medical terminolgy as the language of medicine would help you to effectively communicate with other health proffessionals and also efficiently carry out cording and indexing (10marks)

Q2. Translate the following phrases into medical terms (25marks)
a) First pregnancy………………………………
b) Abnormal large head…………………………..
c) Abnormal conditions of the kidneys…………………….
d) Infection with lice………………………………….
e) Outside skin…………………………………………
f) Study of the mind…………………………………….
g) Softening of the bones………………………………..
h) Enlargement of the heart………………………………
i) Inflamation of the middle ear………………………….
j) Herniation of the liver……………………………….
k) Blood in the urine……………………………………
l) Disease of the joint………………………………….
m) Paralysis of the lower limb……………………………
n) Hardening of the arteries……………………………..
o) Difficulty in swallowing……………………………….
p) Absence of speech…………………………………….
q) Inflammation of the fallopian tube……………………..
r) Rapture of the uterus…………………………………
s) Short sightedness…………………………………….
t) Formation of blood……………………………………
u) Loss of memory……………………………………….
v) Collection of fluid within the peritoneal cavity………………….
w) Surgical removal of the spleen………………………………….
x) Inflammation of the joint………………………………………
y) Difficult or painful urination………………………………….

Q3. Give the meaning of the following medical terms
a) Febrile…………………………………
b) Chronic…………………………………
c) Coryza………………………………….
d) Etiology………………………………..
e) Hypodemic……………………………….
f) Homosexual………………………………
g) Obstetrics………………………………
h) Dystocia………………………………..
i) Halitosis……………………………….
j) Polydipsia………………………………
k) Primipara……………………………….
l) Gamophobia………………………………
m) Nystigmus……………………………….
n) Bradycardia……………………………..
o) Eupnoea…………………………………
p) Amastia…………………………………
q) Epistaxis……………………………….
r) Haemoptysis……………………………..
s) Exacerbation…………………………….
t) Episiotomy………………………………
u) Paracentesis…………………………….
v) Colporrhaphy…………………………….
w) Cephalgia……………………………….
x) Polydipsia………………………………
y) Antonym…………………………………

Q4 A. Write in full the following abbreviations as used in medical terminology (15marks)
1) aa……………………………………………
2) BOA……………………………………………..
3) BP……………………………………………..
4) bid………………………………………………..
5) BMR…………………………………………………
6) BOH…………………………………………………
7) MRI…………………………………………………
8) CCF…………………………………………………
9) PID…………………………………………………
10) PET………………………………………………..
11) BID…………………………………………………
12) VVF…………………………………………………
13) AMA…………………………………………………
14) prn…………………………………………………
15) CVA…………………………………………………

Q4 B. Give the symbol or sign of the following (10marks)
1. With……………………..
2. One week………………….
3. Diagnosis………………….
4. Male………………………
5. Symptoms…………………..
6. Treatment………………….
7. Female…………………….
8. Fracture…………………..
9. Without……………………
10. Differential diagnosis……………..










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