Looking for 7 articles with similar topic as my title and critically analyse these articles, using relevant references and evidences to support your critic, 400 to 500 words for each article under the section of Analysis of evidence. You can use following websites: Medline, Biomedcentral.com, Cinahl, Pubmed to find the articles, please do not use articles from pdf or unknown sources.
• Do not use contractions eg: use it is instead of it’s …..
• Generally, use past tense in the abstract, introduction, and method.
Results and discussion sections can be in the present tense.
• Avoid the use of personal pronouns such as I, me, according to my viewpoint/in my opinion/I think….
Structure/ Components of a dissertation:
A title page
Chapter 1: Background, Introduction
Chapter 2: Methodology, Inclusion and exclusion
Chapter 3: Analysis of evidence,
Chapter 4: Discussion and implications
Chapter 5: Recommendation
Chapter 6: Conclusion
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