Quality assurance (QA) is often thought to be a phase that occurs after the implementation phase, but QA needs to be part of the planning process that occurs before any code is written. QA is not just about testing software; it is a set of activities that takes place from the beginning to the end of a project to ensure quality standards are met. The next step in your Software Development Plan is to prepare the QA section.

The project requires that you do the following:

  • Update the Software Development Plan title page with the new date and project name.
  • Update the previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.
  • Quality Goals
    • Define the overall quality goals for the project.
    • Identify the metrics to be used to measure achievement of the goals.
    • Define how the metrics will be gathered for the project.
  • Test Plan
    • Define the major test phases for the project.
    • Identify the test strategy that will be used for each test phase.
    • Identify the resources required for the test phases.
    • Determine how defects will be documented and processed.
  • Be sure to update your Table of Contents before submission.
  • Name the document “yourname_ITSD422_U4Submission.doc.