

Each group will present a 5-6 minute speech presentation depicting Integrated Care using TeamStepps and TeamStepps “I PASS the BATON” used in transitions in careA minimum of 5 peer-reviewed articles must be used to support the analysis of the group’s needs assessment and action and evaluation.  The speech needs to include:

  1. An accurate representation of the need at Kahi Mohala Behavioral Health. The topic area needs to be clearly understood in the speech presentation
  2. The speech must show creativity and accurateness of information. The speech must clearly represent the following: the needs, plan of action, and evaluation

Please write this paper as a SPEECH.  Thank you!!


After team review of a needs assessment, we are all in agreement to complete a final presentation and video about TeamStepps in Integrated Care.  Our goal is to transition from tape recording shift reports to live shift reporting using the handoff design “I Pass the Baton”.  Patient care would be seamless, as all vital issues would be directly communicated.  Preparation of the next shift will also reinforce a team approach from one shift to the next.  Patients will feel that there is no drop off in interest or intervention and this would engender greater trust in the therapeutic process.

Needs Assessment: (Create a SWOT Analysis)


Strategy designed to enhance information exchange during transitions in care


For the speech please include:


Topic: Integrated Care with Exemplar on Nursing Shift Report


Learning Objectives: At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:




Shift Reporting Defined


Shift Reporting Outcomes


Shift Reporting Challenges


Identifying Best Practices in Nursing Shift Reports


Improving Shift Reports


Best Practice in Nursing Shift Reports


Our Aim


Tape Recorded Change of shift Report                      Live Shift Report using standard template

using no standard template                        à


Implementing Best Practices in Nursing Shift Reports


Evaluating Best Practices in Nursing Shift Reports



Recommendations to Improve Nursing Shift Reports



