This assignment requires you to evaluate the integration of the Cross-curriculum Priority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Culture, and General Capability of Intercultural Understanding within current curriculum constructions and contemporary pedagogical practices.
Part A: Essay – 40 marks
With the introduction of Australian Curriculum framework there has been an increased focus on integrating Cross-Curriculum Priorities (CCPs) and General Capabilities (GCs) across the curriculum.
In a 2000 word essay evaluate how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Culture, (A&TSI) and Intercultural Understanding (IU) can be linked to pedagogical practices in one of your approved teaching areas. You should draw on the content of the first four lectures, tutorials, related readings and current relevant research (published in 2009 and thereafter) when constructing your response.
PART B: Academic literacy – 10 marks
• Evidence of critical proofreading;
• Correct grammar and spelling;
• Correctly formatted APA referencing;
• Within the word limit;
• Evidence of originality in Turnitin.
• Incorporation of peer feedback.

In order to complete this assignment you need to:
• Evaluate how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Culture, (A&TSI) and Intercultural Understanding (IU) are represented in the Australian Curriculum for a KLA linked to one of your approved teaching areas;
• Link both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Culture, (A&TSI) and Intercultural Understanding (IU) to pedagogical models and approaches considered to be best practice;
• Support your claims by reference to recent journal articles (published in 2009 and thereafter).
• Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the concepts surrounding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Culture, (A&TSI) and Intercultural Understanding (IU) within teaching and learning practice;
• Demonstrates understanding of how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Culture, (A&TSI) and Intercultural Understanding (IU) are situated in Australian Curriculum and are related to specific issues within an identified KLA;
• Analyses the relationship of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Culture, (A&TSI) and Intercultural Understanding (IU) to theory, models of pedagogy and pedagogical approaches specific to an identified KLA;
• Uses recent and relevant journal articles to support claims;
• Evidence of incorporation of peer feedback;
• Presents work professionally, using appropriate and clear academic writing and APA referencing style within the word limit.

The assessment standards outline what is expected for each of these criteria in order to pass this assignment, and to gain higher grades of credit, distinction and high distinction. All markers use these standards when assessing your work and you are strongly advised to use them to self-assess prior to submitting your assignment.

Student Name: Student Number: Assessment Standards for Pedagogies in Practice Assignment CREDIT DISTINCTION HIGH DISTINCTION • Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of integrations of the concepts of A&TSI and IU within teaching and learning practice.
• Demonstrates understanding of how A&TSI and IU are situated in Australian Curriculum and are related to specific issues within an identified KLA.
• Analyses the relationship of A&TSI and IU to specific theory, models of pedagogy and pedagogical approaches within an identified KLA.
• Uses recent and relevant journal articles to support claims. • Limited/no knowledge or understanding of the integration of A&TSI and IU into teaching and learning practice. • Limited/no understanding of how A&TSI and IU are situated in Australian Curriculum and relate to specific issues within an identified KLA. • Limited/no analysis of the relationship of A&TSI and IU to specific theory, models of pedagogy and pedagogical approaches within an identified KLA. • No recent, relevant research used to support claims. • Some knowledge and understanding of the integration of A&TSI and IU into teaching and learning practice. • Some understanding of how A&TSI and IU are situated in Australian Curriculum and relate to specific issues within an identified KLA. • Some analysis of the relationship of A&TSI and IU to specific theory, models of pedagogy and pedagogical approaches within an identified KLA. • Limited use of recent, relevant research; only provides description. • General knowledge and understanding of the integration of A&TSI and IU into teaching and learning practice. • General understanding of how A&TSI and IU are situated in Australian Curriculum and relate to specific issues within an identified KLA. • Sound analysis of the relationship of A&TSI and IU to specific theory, models of pedagogy and pedagogical approaches within an identified KLA. • Analysis uses some research to support claims. • Broad knowledge and understanding of the integration of A&TSI and IU into teaching and learning practice. • Broad understanding of how A&TSI and IU are situated in Australian Curriculum and relate to specific issues within an identified KLA. • Detailed analysis synthesizing the relationship of A&TSI and IU to specific theory, models of pedagogy and pedagogical approaches within an identified KLA. • Analysis and some synthesis using a range of research to support claims. • Deep knowledge and understanding of the integration of A&TSI and IU into teaching and learning practice. • Deep understanding of how A&TSI and IU are situated in Australian Curriculum and relate to specific issues within an identified KLA. • Detailed analysis which clearly synthesizes the relationship of A&TSI and IU to specific theory, models of pedagogy and pedagogical approaches within an identified KLA.(Mathematics) • Analysis and synthesis of a range of research to support claims.
• Presents work professionally, using appropriate and clear academic writing and APA referencing style within the word limit.
• Evidence of incorporation of peer feedback
• Little evidence of editing;
• Difficult to read;
• Overly reliant on quotes;
• Inappropriate terminology;
• APA referencing and citations not in use;
• No Turnitin submission /Turnitin originality report detects some significant matches;
• Word count under/over limit.
• No peer feedback incorporated.
• Some editing still required;
• Intro, body and conclusion are present;
• somewhat reliant on quotes;
• terminology is generally accurate;
• APA referencing and citations generally accurate;
• Turnitin originality report detects some insignificant matches;
• Word count within limits.
• Peer feedback acknowledged but limited in use.
• Further editing not required;
• Structure aids reading;
• Some ideas in student’s voice with appropriate quotation;
• Terminology is accurate;
• APA referencing and citations mostly accurate;
• Turnitin originality report returns a low percentage.
• Word count within limits.
• Editing contributes to a clear, concise and easy to read paper;
• Ideas are in student’s voice;
• Quotations add to the quality of the argument;
• APA referencing and citations are accurate;
• Turnitin originality report consistent with the paper being the author’s own work.
• Word count within limits.
• Evidence of value of peer feedback.
• Quality editing evident; a cohesive paper;
• Ideas are presented innovatively through the student’s voice;
• Minimal quotations, where present reflect the simplicity of language;
• APA referencing and citations are highly accurate;
• Turnitin originality report consistent with a highly innovative paper.
• Word count within limits.
• Critical evaluation of work based on peer feedback.

Resource material

Preparation for Readings and preparation
How does curriculum related to pedagogy?
Issues relating to cross-curriculum teaching and learning. Your cultural assets; What type of teacher will you be? Churchill, et al., (2011) Teaching: Making a Difference, Chapter 6.

 What is curriculum?
 Models of curriculum.
 The Australian Curriculum.
Download Week 2 tutorial from vUWS.
Working with models of curriculum. Churchill, et al., (2011) Teaching: Making a Difference, Chapters 7 & 8.
Integrated teaching and learning across the curriculum
 Teaching 21st century learners.
 Cross-curriculum priorities
 General Capabilities
Download Week 3 tutorial from vUWS.
Peer feedback for Assignment 1.
YOU MUST ATTEND A TUTORIAL THIS WEEK. The Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians,
Australian Curriculum, K-10.
Literacy, curriculum and pedagogy
 Academic literacy
 Professional literacy
 Teaching literacy to your students
Download Week 4 tutorial from vUWS.
• Grammar quiz
• Professional literacy – writing reports and excursion notifications
NSW DEC K-12 Literacy policy
Why is ICT important in learning?
 Meaningful learning framework
 The roles of ICT
Download Week 5 tutorial from vUWS.
• Using ICT for meaningful learning.

TUTORIAL ACTIVITIES RELATE TO ASSIGNMENT 2. Churchill, et al., (2011) Teaching: Making a Difference, Chapter 10.
How do teachers design ICT based lessons for meaningful learning?
 Pedagogical approaches for designing ICT-based lesson.
 Components of ICT-based lesson.
Download Week 6 tutorial from vUWS.
• Planning and sharing ideas for Assignment 2.

TUTORIAL ACTIVITIES RELATE TO ASSIGNMENT 2. Churchill, et al., (2011) Teaching: Making a Difference, Chapters 7, 8, 9, 10.
What are the relationships between numeracy, curriculum and pedagogy?
 Numeracy across the curriculum
 Effective strategies for integrating numeracy
Online response to learning activities required as evidence of participation in this tutorial.

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