1.Mrs Okello, 24 years old is brought to your health center with history of bloody mucoid stool, fever, vommiting and abdominal cramps.
She resides near crude damping site (open waste disposal site) and looks malnourished and weak. (Assume she is so weal and she will be admitted)
(a)What is the probable diagnosis of Mrs Okello.(1 mk)
(b)Name the causative organism of Mrs Okello’s illness.(1 mk)
(c)What factors could have influenced the acquisition or recurrence of this disease.(4 mks)
(d)Describe the management of Mrs Okello at the health center.(10 mks)
(e)What are the possible complications of this condition.(4 mks)
2.Amoebiasis (infection with amoeba) is among the ten top conditions treated at many rural health facilities.
(a)Give the pathogenic ……. that cause amoebiasis.(1 mk)
(b)By use of a diagram illustrate the transmission life cycle of amoeba.(5 mks)
(c)State five clinical features of a patient with amoebiasis.(5 mks)
(d)Briefly explain six general prevention and controls of amoebiasis.(9 mks)







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