This assignment forms part of the formal assessment for this module. If you fail to reach the required standard for the assignment then you will be allowed to resubmit but a resubmission will only be eligible for a Pass grade, not a Merit or Distinction. You should therefore not submit the assignment until you are reasonably sure that you have completed it successfully. Seek your tutor’s advice if unsure. 2. Ensure that you indicate the number of the question you are answering. 3. Make a copy of your answers before submitting the assignment. 4. Complete all details on the front page of this TMA and return it with the completed assignment including supporting calculations where appropriate. The preferred submission is via your TUOL(E) Blackboard account: 5. Your tutor’s comments on the assignment will be posted on Blackboard. 6. Free downloads of Microsoft Project are available from the University SST website at http/ (See next page for instructions.)