(15% approximately
170 words)
Provide a brief explanation of the ‘levels of analysis’ framework used in psychology to view and
Understand human behaviour. You do not have to relate this part to the effects of media violence.
Conclude your introduction with how the levels of analysis framework can be used to understand the
Effects of media violence on aggression.
Overview of findings on the effects of media violence on aggression

(25% approximately 280 words)
Summarise the influence of media violence on aggression to demonstrate how well you have
understood the prescribed literature.
Here you will cover how the following influences have been explained in the prescribed literature:

1) Active versus passive media (i.e. TV and movie violence versus video game violence)
2) Short and long term effects; and
3) Subtle effects of media violence.
Make sure you reference the relevant prescribed readings for each point.

Levels of Analysis Framework
This is an important section of your Literature Report – it is worth 35% approximately
380 words).
the headings in italics and follow the instructions.
Biological Level of Analysis
Explain what the biological level is. Provide an example from the readings to demonstrate your
understanding of this level and a reason (rationale) why the example you have chosen matches this

Psychological Level of Analysis
Explain what the psychological level is. Provide an example from the readings to demonstrate your
understanding of this level and a reason (rationale) why the example you have chosen matches this
Environmental / Social Level of Analysis
Explain what the environmental / social level is. Provide an example from the readings to demonstrate
your understanding of this level and a reason (rationale) why the example you have chosen matches
this level.
Format and structure of the Literature Report
The title of the Literature Report is:
Using Levels of Analysis to Understand the Influence of Violent Media on Aggression.

Conclusion (15% approximately
170 words)
Based on the evidence from the prescribed literature you have presented above, write a conclusion on
how the levels of analysis framework can be used to understand the influence of media violence on
Reflection (this not included in the word count, but must be thoughtfully completed this
is part of the
15% for the Conclusion).

An example of using the Levels of Analysis Framework
The term ‘levels of analysis’ indicates that there are different ways, or different levels, of understanding
human behaviour. Refer to your textbook: pages 11 – 12 and 23 – 25 (2013 edition) or pages 4 – 5 and
18 20
(2010 edition), for a description of the following three ‘levels of analysis’: biological,
psychological and environmental / social. Use below links that you need it for the literature review…..

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