1. Application Implementation

You Must write each of the following SQL commands:

Write a set of at least 6 SQL queries that would retrieve relative and important data from your database.

Write a set of at least 5 SQL updates that would modify relative and important data in your database.

Write a set of at least 5 SQL deletes that would delete some data from your database. Write a set of at least 2 SQL views that would define some virtual tables in your database.

For each of the above SQL commands give a brief explanation of the purpose of each command and the output (if any) for each..Optional (extra credit):

Create forms, reports, queries, menus or navigation forms as needed on top of the tables. In general, a simple data entry form should be created for each table. For example, if the business takes orders from customers, create a form with Orders and Order items with

  1. Write Up Final Report
    The final step is to prepare a formal report and brief presentation. This report should include:

    • A separate cover page indicating the GROUP Number, the title of your project, the full names and IDs of the group members, the course number and course section.
    • An introduction section similar to the proposal.
    • Entity Relationship Model diagram.
    • The collection of normalized relations and functional dependencies, and a brief discussion as to the normal form(s) achieved, the methods used to achieve these normal forms, and reasons why any de-normalization was done.
    • The SQL DDL used to create the tables and add primary key and foreign key constraints.
    • The SQL commands (as required in 5 above) along with their brief explanation of the purpose of each command and the output (if any) for each.
    • Optional (extra credit) An example printout of each of the forms, reports and queries accompanied by a description of the function of each. Along with each form.
    • A narrative conclusion section that describes:
      a) the group’s experience with the project (which steps were the most difficult? Which were the easiest ? what did you learn that you did not imagine you would have? if you had to do it all over again, what would you have done differently?)
      b) if the proposed benefits can be realized by the new system
      c) any final comments and conclusions