Activity 1

Load the SimVenture business simulation package and select the Fine Tuning scenario (see separate hand-out for guidance).

1.Calculate as many accounting ratios as possible for the month of August and explain what these ratios mean in terms of evidence.

  1. Analyse the History of the previous six months trading and identify exactly what has gone wrong and when. Graphs and tables will be useful in pinpointing this evidence.
  2. Formulate clear recommendations into an action plan for improving the situation.


Your group should submit a formal Fine Tuning Report individually which explain 1, 2, and 3 in an attractive, easy-to-follow way. Note that 1 & 2 are about evidence, so your group need to include ratios, graphs, and tables, but that explanation and interpretation is just as important. In 3, action plan should be as clear as possible.


Activity 2

Trade the company for a further 4 months – until the end of December – following your action plan above.

1.Calculate as many accounting ratios as possible for the month of December and compare and contrast them with those calculated for August.

  1. Analyse the History of your four months trading, from August to December. Graphs and tables will be useful in pinpointing this evidence.
  2. From the evidence, show how far your action plan has succeeded.

Your group are required to analyze a situation on SimVenture, explaining in detail what has gone wrong, and making clear recommendations for corrective action. Then trade the company for a further four months and report on the result. Target length about 2500 words in total.


Focus Is there evidence of correct accounting ratios for the month of August and explanation? 20 Synthesis Is there historical evidence of previous six months trading and explanation of what has gone wrong and when? Any graphical or table evidence in supporting the argument 15 Soundness Any evidence of action plan for what has gone wrong? Does the action plan work and how? 30 Clarity of structure Is there synthesis where sub-paragraphs and sentences clearly tie together? Excellent use of tables/graphs. 15 Mechanical Soundness Is the essay clearly written, spell checked and grammatically sound and referenced appropriately? 20

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