Explain the difference between black-box testing and white-box testing.

1 Explain the difference between black-box testing and white-box testing. 2 List three advantages of a unit test tool. 3 What is the purpose of the method setup in a unit test? 4 UML class diagrams show a the interactions among objects b the relationships among classes 5 Aggregation is a relationship in which a […]

Add the methods insert and remove to the Array class.

Add the methods insert and remove to the Array class. These methods should use the strategies discussed in this chapter, including adjusting the length of the array, if necessary. The insert method expects a position and an item as arguments and inserts the item at the given position. If the position is greater than or […]

Add an instance variable _logicalSize to the Array class.

1. Data in a singly linked structure are contained in a cells b nodes 2.  Most operations on singly linked structures run in a constant time b linear time 3.  It requires constant time to remove the first item from a(n) a array b singly linked structure 4. Add an instance variable _logicalSize to the […]