Review an Empirical Analysis of Altman’s Z-Score Model doi:10.1111/jifm.12053

Financial Distress Prediction in an Interna- tional Context: A Review and Empirical Analysis of Altman’s Z-Score Model doi:10.1111/jifm.12053 Edward I. Altman NYU Salomon Center, Henry Kaufman Management Center, New York University, Stern School of Business, 44 West Fourth Street, New York, NY 10012, USA Małgorzata Iwanicz-Drozdowska Institute of Finance, Warsaw School of Economics, al. Niepodleglosci […]

review both quantitative and qualitative research.  

QUANTITATIVE Journal Article Review  and  QUALITATIVE Journal Submit Article Reviews  You will review both quantitative and qualitative research.  The topic is up to you as long as you choose a peer-reviewed, academic research piece.  I suggest choosing a topic that is at least in the same family as your expected dissertation topic so that you can start viewing what is […]