Hping lab

Reflection on Practical Skills:

In this lab we have practical about how to install hping which is spoofing the ip address of the packets to hide the identity of the sender “attacker”.

Lab Question

What is packet spoofing?

It is changing the IP address of the sender in the source IP packet to be unknown for the receive

What is a raw socket?

It is socket that hasn’t follow any of the common protocol “TCP,UDP” method of transmission. It is use usually in security related tasks, just sent for verity of testing similar to ICMP.

What command line options allow you to change TCP flags?

-F –fin set FIN flag

-S –syn set SYN flag

-R –rst set RST flag

-P –push set PUSH flag

-A –ack set ACK flag

-U –urg set URG flag

-X –xmas set X unused flag (0x40)

-Y –ymas set Y unused flag (0x80)

How does ‘ping’ work? What are the two ICMP packet types used in ‘ping’?


– man hping might help to discover program options and the following some of them: -S: this option is used to set syn flag
-a: this option is used to spoof the source address of the sender.
-o: this option is used to choose the kind of service.

– – flood : this option is used to attack the destination by DoS



Reflection on the Scope:

In this scenario we practice a way of testing secure of the network which is performing kind of attack like DoS and trying to changing the source address of the attacker to check how the security layers will response to this behavior of the attack and how to protect the network if there are bugs in the security.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raw_socket https://mustbehero.wordpress.com/2013/09/26/tutorial-on-how-to-using-hping2/ https://2buntu.com/articles/1204/ping-how-does-it-work/


Honeypot lab

Reflection on Practical Skills:

In this lab we have practical about how to install Honeyd which is another kind of IDS to make fake network devices to confuse an attacker.

Lab Question

Honeypot is unused machine that set in vlan or in a network to be like a trap for attacker. Its purpose is to detect evil traffic and logs it to allow network admin analyses to fix the bug that attacker used.

What does the program honeyd do? How does it do it? What are some of its features?

It does similar function of virtual machine plus it has a database of temples for almost all network devices that allow network admin to create many virtual hosts that look like real ones to attacker. From its features are mimic almost all network devices at once. Also it can emulate services like Telnet, IIS or POP.

Where does honeyd store its log files be default? Where did you put honeyd’s log files?

The log files in this path /var/log/honeypot and I don’t change its place because there wasn’t requirement for that.

What do these log files contain?

They contain information about the traffic that coming to honeyd machines

Did the log files report the results of the scans by your CentOS machine?


Discussion on Implementation:

We have Honey already installed in A FreeBSD Unix like machine so there isn’t installing steps.

Just configuration like setting up on that machine a bit different than Linux due to the name of the interface is Le0 not eth0.

We have a templates of network devices that should be written on a text file, and this FreeBSD is CLI so, we will use this command to write the templates:

ee <FileName>

after writing the templates, it is recommended to honeyd in debugging mode to find possible mistkes in written file by this command:

honey -d -I [interface name ] -f [FileName]

where [FileName] is the same one that we have wrote the templates on it as well as [the interface name]

if the result of the previous command doesn’t show any errors or unknown line , it should be know alias every templates with an IP addresses by typing this commands:

ifconfig [interfaces name ] inet [IP address] alias

the above command should be repeated for each template that was written.
Then honeyd will ignore replying to blocked port by typing this commands for both UDP and TCP traffic. sysctl net.inet.tcp.blackhole=1
sysctl net.inet.udp.blackhole=1

now Honeyd is ready and it should be scan by other machine to show records in log files

Reflection on the Scope:

In this scenario we practice a way of securing a network which is making a trap for attacker to observe their hacking damage and block the bugs that is used by attacker. Furthermore, it is used to monitor the traffic of the network like IDS

References: http://www.honeyd.org/faq.php#what https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honeyd