Your task is to write a Bash script to create user accounts for all staff and visitors. The supplied user file Usernames.txt is a text
file containing a username and its type delimited by comma per line. There are two types of users: staff and visitor.
Staff users are added to the staff group and visitor users to the visitors group.
1. Write a Bash script, called, to do the followings.
a) Create a group called visitors;
b) Create an account for each user and add the user to its group in one command.
All user accounts are created with an initial password the same as their username; a home directory with the same
name as their username in the /home directory; all accounts use Bash shell program.
c) Write messages to syslog for all of the above events (new group, new user creation).
Note that while the current need is to handle limited number of usernames from the given user file, your script should be
able to handle an arbitrary number of usernames. (4 marks)
2. Write a Bash script, called, to report the members of visitors group to the file
/tmp/visitors.txt. (1 marks)
3. Create a crontab entry to call the script at 8:00AM and 9:00PM on every weekdays. (1 marks)