
This assessment has three parts. Be sure to complete all three parts before submitting.

Part 1

Below is a production possibilities table for consumer goods (butter) and capital goods (guns).
Production Possibilities

Type of Production Production Alternative A Production Alternative B Production Alternative C Production Alternative D Production Alternative E Production Alternative F Production Alternative G
Butter 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Guns 14 13 11 9 7 4 0

Graph the data provided in the table using Excel. (Hints: Type your data into an Excel spreadsheet. With your mouse, highlight the data only. Go to insert. Click on scatter. Click on smooth lines chart. Select the line chart. Plot data drawing line.)
Once you have graphed the data, please copy and paste your graph into a Word document so you can complete the rest of the assessment.
Based on the graph you created, complete the following:

Part 2
Part 3

Additional Requirements