Assessment 1: Literature Review –
Method Section-500 words
(1 mark for each item) Checklist
1. Include research question
2. Identify all databases searched; it is expected that you identify at least five
Databases(pubmed,cinahl,wiley online,medline,Cochrane library)
3. Identify all search terms as a) MeSH, b) database thesaurus compatible and c) free
text search in Table 1
4. Identify all limiters including the 20-year period of literature search e.g. 1995 to
2015; Boolean operators; use of wildcards; truncations etc.
5. Define and explain the inclusion criteria:
a) Identify the study designs (e.g. quantitative studies and/or qualitative
b) Identify the nature/type of intervention (for experimental studies)
c) Describe subjects and settings (i.e. the population characteristics)
d) Identify the publication type and language (e.g. peer-reviewed
articles published in English)
Define and explain the exclusion criteria
6. Explain process of first cull of articles. Identify number of duplicates and number
of articles rejected
7. Explain process of second cull of articles. Identify all studies ‘excluded with reason’
(second cull of articles). Cite up to four reasons for excluding these studies.
Correctly apply APA referencing method, using author/date only
8. Include PRISMA graphic
9. Adopt Method section template
10. Produce a transparent, reproducible Method sectionator
Literature review-3000words
i choose a problem or topic from within the field of cardiac nursing. Your literature review needs to demonstrate your capacity to identify the most important studies relevant to your research question, and to critique the work of other researchers. In relation to your topic of interest, conduct a thorough literature review and present it in a length and format suitable for publication. You need to nominate, and provide a justification for, the peer-reviewed journal most suitable for your literature review. Just include this information as a sentence or two before the Abstract.
The abstract is the only section of this task where you must comply with strict word limits,consistent with the expectation of many scholarly, peer-reviewed journals. There are no other word limits that apply to the sections of this task. I suggest that you distribute the remaining word count across the other sections of this task in general alignment with the allocation of marks. So, more words in the Discussion section compared with the Introduction, for example.
Abstract (5 marks) 250 words maximum
Provide a structured abstract of your review: Background, Method, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.