Hitchcock (2015, p.24) states: “Real ‘integrated medicine’… is recognising that a large portion of our ill health is a combined mental, physical, environmental, interpersonal, social and political phenomenon”

The purpose of this assessment is to challenge your thinking in relation to the contemporary views of chronic illness and its management. The reading 4.6 (Hitchcock, 2015) is somewhat controversial in its approach, but likely presents views and scenarios familiar to you. It addresses ‘alternative’ treatments, ‘integrative’ health care, the use of medicines that are […]

In response to the quotes above, do observational documentaries present an ‘objective’ construction of reality and the other modes of documentary (expository, interactive, reflexive) indicate a 'subjective' construction? Does this mean that one mode provides a more authentic representation of the truth than other modes?

Intro: ‘Documentaries can be seen as either objective or subjective attempts at uncovering the truth, and all documentaries usually strive to achieve a sense of the truth in their work. Differences emerge in the style of execution and sense of perception of a film’s presentation.’ (Jane Chapman, (2009) Issues in Contemporary Documentary) According to Bill […]

The slave went free; stood a brief moment in the sun; then moved back again toward slavery.” Explain this assessment by W. E. B. Du Bois of the Reconstruction era by offering the historical evidence

1.“The slave went free; stood a brief moment in the sun; then moved back again toward slavery.” Explain this assessment by W. E. B. Du Bois of the Reconstruction era by offering the historical evidence that supports each of the three parts of the quote. 2. Describe the territorial gains made by the United States […]