Estimate the binary pair values from Eq. (1.53) given in Chapter 1.

Effect of composition numbering on the Fick matrix K˜. In the matrix representation the species n chosen for elimination is usually referred to as the solvent. The choice of “solvent” species is arbitrary, but it can have an effect on the coefficient and the structure of the resulting form as shown below. A system with […]

Use the condition of no net current to solve for the potential.

Two solutions are separated by a porous sintered disk (1 mm thick) that permits diffusion across the disk. On one side we have a mixture of 1 M HCl and 1 M BaCl2 while on the other side we have pure water. It is required to find the flux across the system. Both salts are […]

Design arrangements in electrophoresis: a case-study problem. Various methods have been developed in order to increase the throughput in electrophoresis.

Design arrangements in electrophoresis: a case-study problem. Various methods have been developed in order to increase the throughput in electrophoresis. Most of these designs vary in the flow arrangement and the changes in the direction of the electric field. These include the Philpot design, Hanning design, annular design, and rotating annular column, among many others. […]